罗拉•克劳福特(安吉丽娜•朱莉 饰)这名勇于挑战的探险家继续她的探索之路。这次是寻找早已沉入大海的月神庙。根据资料显示,月神庙内埋藏了传说中的“潘朵拉魔盒”。而一股巨大的能量正存在与这个魔盒当中,同时间邪恶的势力也对这个股力量虎视眈眈。因为这股力量的巨大能足以摧毁整个人类世界,邪恶的势力企图利用的话后果不堪设想。 罗拉一边寻找这股传说中的神奇力量,一边与香港黑帮的头目斗智斗勇。到底罗拉能不能顺利获得这股力量,保卫整个人类世界的安全呢?
《同志亦凡人》主演艾丹.吉伦最新力作,冷峻魅力无法抵挡。情节紧凑堪比《神探夏洛克》,剧情容量较大 ,挑战观众的观片智商。 英国身份盗窃猖狂,杀人犯盗窃被害人身份逃亡。探员Martha Lawrence 成立一身份部门,特别挑选不同个性的专家,专们捉拿盗窃身份犯人。其中包括一名精通如何转换身份的前卧底,即警官Bloom,他有过15年的卧底生涯,斩获过许多重要情报,也受到过严重的创伤。 在加入身份调查组时, 他不仅要面对同事的疑虑,上司的不信任,,还要处理过去卧底生涯留下的千头万绪。
By revealing the surprising links between human History and Deep Time, this series in 4K shows how our civilization and innovations are driven not only by decisions we make or victories on the battlefield, but by Physics, Geology, Biology, Chemistry - by forces so far back in time, that the formation of our planet secretly shaped the stories we thought we knew. Epic, cinematic recreations and CGI provide an exclusive look at how events in Deep Time - the formation of the Universe, exploding stars, clashing continents and evolution - have precipitated crucial moments in human History. A unique series that digs deep into the farthest reaches of time to reveal the sometimes unexpected answers to questions of how and why civilization as we know it exists today. Episode 1: The Rise of Civilization and Empire Episode 2: The Renaissance And Age Of Discovery Episode 3: The Industrial Revolution and Modern Warfare
Life in Yolcos, a beautiful and prosperous port city in ancient Greece, is peaceful as the population is threatened by the wrath of Poseidon. A young, adventurous mouse and the cat she adopted, help, unbeknownst to them, old Jason and his Argonauts in their quest to save the city.
在乔治亚州一个寂静的小镇上,一次偶然的暴力行为给 30 岁的安迪·奥利弗和她的母亲劳拉带来了意想不到的连锁事件。渴望得到答案的安迪踏上了危险的横跨美国之旅,并逐渐走进家人隐藏在内心深处的黑暗秘密。
7月16日 2022NBA夏季联赛 雷霆VS勇士
The halves of two bodies, one belonging to a female Swedish politician, are discovered in the middle of the ?resund Bridge, which connects Copenhagen in Denmark with Malm? in Sweden. The body, cut in half at the waist, has been placed precisely on the border between the countries, thus falling under the jurisdiction of both the Danish and Swedish police agencies. After further ...
影片《小士兵》的故事并不新鲜,但是人物关系的设置颇为巧妙。影片的女主人公洛蒂从伊战退役后回到家乡,但战争带给她的阴影始终不散,她沉溺于酒精无法自拔。在当老鸨的父亲安排下,洛蒂为一位非洲的应召女郎Lily开车并充当保镖,渐渐的两人滋生出超越普通友谊的情愫。洛蒂不愿看见Lily再忍受骨肉分离的痛苦,于是铤而走险,不惜走向与父亲决裂的道路。 在新闻发布会上,导演安妮特-欧森将影片的主题定为“拯救”,但同时又提出一个发生深省的问题:我们去拯救他人,但我们真正做到了么?影片中洛蒂为了让Lily跟离散五年的女儿团聚,不惜将父亲的全部积蓄偷出馈赠给她,逼其返乡,殊不知Lily走上了卖淫这条贼船,已是骑虎难下。这样矛盾的结局也让影片更具有讽刺的意味。 同时,影片也影射了目前丹麦国内存在的几大问题:战争、人口贩卖及卖淫等问题。作为欧洲崇尚和平的童话国度,丹麦居然也卷入...
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